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Atiqah Akhib

5 Things to Do to Make Sure You Fit in the Culture of Your Future Company

You aced your interview and now the employer is offering you a position and they need answers – ASAP! The clock is ticking and yet something is bothering you – How is their company culture? Can you even fit in the culture? Here are 5 ways to actually spy on the company’s culture before you decide what to do with the offer.

1. Research is the Key!

This step is almost similar as to when you were preparing yourself for an interview. Do a lot of research especially online. Go through social media and look for everything that has to do with the company!

2. The Interview Experience

Remember the time when you first stepped into the office for an interview? Then sit down and ask yourself, how did it go. Was the atmosphere pleasantly good for you or did you feel pressured like you were sitting in an interrogation room? Did they even offer you to ask questions or was it just a one-way interview? Your feelings and senses are very important so ask yourself if you do feel good with the environment and the people in the company.

3. Keep an Eye on Everything

When you were heading towards the interview room, you must have walked pass the reception or their working spaces. That was when you need to be observant. How was their office arrangement? Were they working in an open space or is it more to a closed working space? How did the receptionist greet you and how did the staff communicate with each other? Did they talk professionally or did they use harsh words to each other? From there, you can already imagine what happen if you are actually working at the company.

4. Emotions Matter Too

Not only their interactions, take a look at their emotions. What kind of expression do they show when they are doing their work? Do they look stressed, scared and moody? Or their faces look relaxed and focused while interacting with their tasks?

5. Ask Your Friends

It would be good if you have friends who once worked at the company or is still working there. You can ask them about the environment and the culture straight away. If you do not have any, you can also ask your friends if they know anyone from the company and introduce them to you!

A company culture is like the personality and characteristics of an organization. Besides getting to know your company culture, you are also required to know yourself too. In the end, you are the one who has to decide whether the culture fits you and if you can adapt to it.

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