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Atiqah Akhib

5 Tips to Help You Start Writing

1. Always choose a topic you’re familiar with.

Of course, the first step is to get a topic that you are interested in. Try to think of something that you yourself would like to read. Choosing a topic that you are unfamiliar with will limit your vocabulary – the lack of knowledge and interest will cause you to write dry sentences and bore your readers.

2. Use simple words.

Fancy words doesn’t guarantee a good write-up. Always use simple and understandable words to deliver your points to the readers so that they don’t have to hold a dictionary in their hands while reading your article – trust me, they’ll give up and stop reading halfway.

3. Write, then edit. Not write WHILE edit.

Once you’ve started to write something, do not stop and scroll up to read and edit it straight away. Just write everything that is on your mind and finish the whole article first. Let your creativity take over you. Once the whole article is done, then you’re free to edit it as you like.

4. Find the best time for you to write.

Not everyone can start writing as early as 7 in the morning. Like me, my ideas and creativity flow out even more especially at night. So, in my case, night time is the best for me to begin my write-ups. So, don’t feel bad if you couldn’t come up with anything during the day. Your brain probably works better at night!

5. Try to keep your paragraphs short.

Avoid writing lengthy paragraphs as it may ‘shoo’ your readers away. Certain people will turn away as soon as they see hundreds of words cramped in a single paragraph. So, try to keep it short but informative at the same time!

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